Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

What It Feels Like For A Girl

  NO MATTER what you look like, who you share your life with, what you listen to or how you vote, if you have a uterus there is one point on which we all agree:

Bleeding sucks- a lot.

Despite arcane notions of fragility, women are warriors intimate with handling pain, extreme discomfort and straight-up gore.  

Those of us with wombs are connected by blood - this is the universal reality that equalizes us regardless of superficial differences.  There is a tacit gag-order on speaking about the more unpleasant sights, smells and sensations we experience, and we keep it all neat and tidy so as not to upset the tougher sex.  We suffer alone through the blood and try to hide and ignore the rest as society dictates, wholly unaware of the changes happening within and their deeper significance. 

This is the Curse, and it has prevented us from understanding and honoring our true natures.

The unacknowledged truth is that your period is more than just a pain in the cooch.  It is your body’s mode of communicating an ancient and vital message to you, one that can serve as a guide to help you navigate your life path.  For the first time humanity has the means to decode this message and put it to good use, so it’s time to listen up.


Wonder Women


THE DIVINE nature of the female body lies in its power of regeneration, the invisible and visible changes that we cycle through without conscious intent.  Conceiving, growing and expelling humans since the beginning of humanity, bouncing back again and again-we literally stretch the limits of possibility, it’s what we do. 

The function of the Whole Cycle is conception, and it consists of four phases though it is categorized by only one of these.  Calling it the menstrual cycle is like calling the digestive process the poop cycle.  The function of digestion is to absorb fuel for the body, waste is simply the by-product, the indicator of normal or abnormal function.  It isn’t the point of the whole operation, it’s just the phase that most pressingly demands your attention.  

The blood is the price we pay for the incredible magic we possess, but it is not the magic itself. 

Our power is Creation, and its source is Ovulation.  Every cycle has just ONE potential pregnancy, and just as your body has its ways to tell you that you are not pregnant, it also communicates messages when your fertile window is open. Becoming aware of your periods of fertility allows you to own your awesome power and use it with intention.


The Other Time of the Month

Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

THE MOON waxes and wanes and begins anew roughly twelve times a year- sometimes parts of her face are hidden to our eyes, but we know her powerful pull is not diminished just because we can't see her.  

Similarly, The Whole Cycle has its influential phases both obvious and subtle.  Just as the full moon and new moon occur in predictable rhythm, so do the menstrual period (obvious AF) and the fertile period (hidden in plain sight).  There are a set of sensations due to hormonal, physical and emotional changes that occur around both these periods, and with conscious observation a person can become attuned to the other- and far more potent- time of the month.

Ovulation is the Blessing, and recognizing its occurrence is the key to harnessing your creative power.

The time has come to collectively acknowledge that which cannot be seen and attempt to validate it so that we can finally honor our true natures.  By observing, recording and sharing our findings, we can learn to trust the ancient wisdom embedded within every womb.


 The Whole Cycle


EVERY PERSON has the right and responsibility to understand when they can and cannot become pregnant. This right is accessed through simple self-awareness and the communication of accurate information. 

  We encourage people to acquaint themselves with their natural rhythms by using simple and reliable tools in order to correctly identify periods of ovulation as easily as menstruation.  We invite you to share your experiences on this exciting path toward rapid self-discovery and offer a platform for meaningful connection.

  Together we must unearth the answers that have long been lost to us and allow ourselves to live in accordance with our cyclic natures, as perhaps our ancient mothers once did.  Let us begin the investigation and the conversation on a global scale, and finally tear the shroud of mystery from The Whole Cycle so we may benefit from the wealth of its sacred knowledge.